понедельник, 2 ноября 2020 г.

Web, Url


From the other question

Some examples of URL's that require parsing:

  • server:8088
  • server:8088/func1
  • server:8088/func1/SubFunc1
  • http://server
  • http://server/func1
  • http://server/func/SubFunc1
  • http://server:8088
  • http://server:8088/func1
  • http://server:8088/func1/SubFunc1
  • magnet://server
  • magnet://server/func1
  • magnet://server/func/SubFunc1
  • magnet://server:8088
  • magnet://server:8088/func1
  • magnet://server:8088/func1/SubFunc1
  • http://[2001:db8::1]
  • http://[2001:db8::1]:80

The format of a Url is:

  \_/   \_________/ \__/\_________/\__________/ \__/
   |         |        |     |           |        |
scheme      host    port   path       query   fragment

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